

冰岛 欧洲杯 歌 回家_欧洲杯冰岛战舞
来自:欧洲杯 时间:2023-03-25 04:45:19


patience--- 《take that》


2004年欧洲杯主题曲:葡萄牙裔加拿大女歌手奈丽·福塔多(Nelly Furtado)的代表作《Forca(力量)》被选定为2004欧洲杯的主题曲。《Forca》由奈丽·福塔多本人谱曲填词并演唱,目前这首歌只有英文版,主要歌词为英文,段落间的说唱为葡萄牙文。奈丽·福塔多将于7月4日在里斯本光明球场举行的欧洲杯闭幕式上演唱这首歌。福塔多本人则将于近期到承办欧洲杯的各球场实地取景,录制这首歌的MTV。随后,这部MTV将在全世界播放,为欧洲杯造势。奈丽·福塔多祖籍葡萄牙,父母都是葡萄牙亚速尔群岛人,她本人出生并成长于加拿大。奈丽·福塔多精通吉他、长号以及尤克里里(一种来自葡萄牙的小吉他)等乐器,在加拿大乐坛声名鹊起后很快转战美国乐坛,由于她与众不同的背景及歌曲品味,很快得到了当地乐迷的认同,专辑长时间停留在Billboard专辑榜前100位。在第44届格莱美音乐奖的角逐中,福塔多获得“最佳歌曲”、“新进艺人”、“最佳流行女歌手”以及“最佳流行演唱专辑”四项重要奖项提名。福塔多曾经凭借一首《Powerless》赢得加拿大最高级别音乐奖项——朱诺奖的年度最佳单曲奖。 主题曲歌词:It is the passion flowing right on through your veinsAnd its the feeling that you're oh so glad you cameIt is the moment you remember you're aliveIt is the air you breathe, the element, the fireIt is that flower that you took the time to smellIt is the power that you know you got as wellIt is the fear inside that you can overcomeThis is the orchestra, the rhythm and the drumCom uma forca, com uma forcaCom uma forca que ninguem pode pararCom uma forca, com uma forcaCom uma fome que ninguem pode matarIt is the soundtrack of your ever-flowing lifeIt is the wind beneath your feet that makes you flyIt is the beautiful game that you choose to playWhen you step out into the world to start your dayYou show your face and take it in and scream and prayYoure gonna win it for yourself and us todayIt is the gold, the green, the yellow and the greyThe red and sweat and tears, the love you go. Hey!Com uma forca, com uma forcaCom uma forca que ninguem pode pararCom uma forca, com uma forcaCom uma fome que ninguem pode matarforca, forca, forca, forca, forcaCloser to the sky, closer, way up high, mais perto do ceu, mais perto do ceuCom uma forca, com uma forcaCom uma forca que ninguem pode pararCom uma forca, com uma forcaCom uma fome que ninguem pode matarforca (oh), forca (oh), forca, forca, forcacommon